How to uninstall zorin os
How to uninstall zorin os

how to uninstall zorin os how to uninstall zorin os

Recently, I started thinking that my relatively disconnected Linux Mint and Zorin OS articles have the potential, when presented in a nicer and more structured form, to be of greater value to my readers from a learning perspective. To help others to use Linux productively without making things too complicated and technical, in the past couple of years I worked on both a Linux Mint and Zorin OS tutorial series for beginners, as part of my website These tutorial series tried in an easy and approachable way to bring Linux to beginning users, non-technical people that are interested in just using Linux to support them in their productivity, and to those who think about switching from macOS or windows to Linux.

how to uninstall zorin os

And that is a pity because Linux is really great and can even be a user-friendly platform. Many Linux-oriented websites, manuals, documents and courses, are too technical to be of any interest for novice users and that scares off a potentially large group of new people to take the step to Linux.

How to uninstall zorin os